
30-day Jupyter Notebook learning path


Day 1: Introduction to Jupyter Notebook and Visual Studio Code

Day 2: Python Fundamentals

Day 3: Jupyter Notebook Basics

Day 4: Data Manipulation with Pandas

Day 5: Data Visualization with Matplotlib

Day 6: Interactive Visualizations with Plotly

Day 7: Project: Analyzing and Visualizing a Dataset

Day 8: Jupyter Notebook Extensions

Day 9: Jupyter Notebook Widgets

Day 10: PowerShell Integration in Jupyter Notebook (Optional)

Day 11-29: Mini-Projects (Choose at least 3)

  1. Analyzing Stock Market Data: Import historical stock market data using Pandas, calculate returns, and visualize trends.
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis: Choose a dataset of your choice and perform exploratory data analysis using Pandas and visualizations.
  3. Natural Language Processing: Use Jupyter Notebook to analyze text data, perform sentiment analysis, and create word clouds.
  4. Image Processing: Explore image manipulation techniques using Python libraries like OpenCV and PIL, and create visualizations.
  5. Web Scraping and Data Analysis: Scrape data from a website using tools like Beautiful Soup, store it in a DataFrame, and analyze it.
  6. Machine Learning Model: Build a simple machine learning model using Scikit-learn or TensorFlow and visualize the results.

Day 30: Review and Wrap-up

Remember to adapt the pace of learning to your own preferences and schedule. Feel free to adjust the duration of each topic or spend more time on the mini-projects that interest you the most. Enjoy your journey to mastering Jupyter Notebook using Visual Studio Code!


Day 1: Introduction to Jupyter Notebook and Visual Studio Code

By the end of Day 1, you will have a basic understanding of Jupyter Notebook and Visual Studio Code. You will have installed the Jupyter Notebook extension in Visual Studio Code and created a new Jupyter Notebook file. Spend some time exploring the Jupyter Notebook interface and getting comfortable with its features.

Day 2: Python Fundamentals

By the end of Day 2, you will have gained a solid understanding of Python syntax and basic programming concepts. Completing exercises and coding challenges will help reinforce your learning and improve your coding skills. Remember to practice regularly to build your confidence and fluency in Python programming.

Day 3: Jupyter Notebook Basics

By the end of Day 3, you will have a good understanding of the basic features and functionality of Jupyter Notebook. You will be able to create and execute code cells, markdown cells, and raw cells. Additionally, you will be familiar with essential keyboard shortcuts for efficient navigation and execution within a Jupyter Notebook.

Day 4: Data Manipulation with Pandas

By the end of Day 4, you will have learned the basics of data manipulation using Pandas. You will be able to import data from various sources, such as CSV, Excel, and SQL databases, into a Jupyter Notebook. You will also be familiar with performing common data manipulation tasks like filtering, sorting, and aggregating using Pandas functions. These skills will be essential for analyzing and visualizing data in subsequent days of the learning path.

Day 5: Data Visualization with Matplotlib

By the end of Day 5, you will have a good understanding of data visualization using Matplotlib. You will be able to create various types of plots and customize them according to your requirements. Through practice with sample datasets, you will gain experience in visualizing data and conveying insights through visual representations. These skills will be valuable for the mini-projects and data analysis tasks in the upcoming days.

Day 6: Interactive Visualizations with Plotly

By the end of Day 6, you will have gained knowledge and hands-on experience in creating interactive visualizations using Plotly. You will understand the different types of interactive plots offered by Plotly and how to customize them. Practice with sample datasets will help you apply interactive features and convey insights effectively through your visualizations. These skills will be valuable for the mini-projects and data analysis tasks in the upcoming days.

Day 7: Introduction to PowerShell

By the end of Day 7, you will have an introduction to PowerShell and a basic understanding of its commands and concepts. You will be able to run PowerShell commands in the PowerShell console or within a Jupyter Notebook code cell (if you choose to integrate PowerShell with Jupyter). PowerShell will provide you with additional scripting capabilities and automation options to enhance your coding experience in the subsequent days of the learning path.

Day 8: PowerShell and Jupyter Notebook Integration

By the end of Day 8, you will have integrated PowerShell with Jupyter Notebook and gained hands-on experience in writing and running PowerShell code within Jupyter Notebook using the PowerShell kernel. This integration will allow you to leverage the power of PowerShell alongside Python for data analysis, automation, and system administration tasks.

Day 9: Data Cleaning and Preparation with Pandas

By the end of Day 9, you will have practiced data cleaning and preparation tasks using Pandas. You will be familiar with handling missing values, removing duplicates, transforming data, and handling outliers. These skills are crucial for ensuring data quality and reliability before proceeding with data analysis and visualization tasks in the upcoming days.

Day 10: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with Pandas

By the end of Day 10, you will have gained experience in performing exploratory data analysis (EDA) using Pandas. You will be able to profile datasets, calculate summary statistics, visualize data, and explore correlations between variables. These skills will be essential for understanding the data, identifying patterns, and formulating hypotheses for the mini-projects and data analysis tasks in the remaining days of the learning path.

Day 11-15: Mini-Project 1 - Analyzing Stock Market Data

In this mini-project, you will work with historical stock market data, perform data analysis, calculate returns, and visualize trends using Jupyter Notebook and Pandas.

Day 11: Data Retrieval and Preparation

Day 12: Data Analysis and Visualization

Day 13: Trend Analysis

Day 14: Volatility Analysis

Day 15: Portfolio Analysis

By the end of Day 15, you will have completed a mini-project analyzing stock market data using Jupyter Notebook and Pandas. You will have gained hands-on experience in retrieving and cleaning historical stock market data, calculating returns and statistics, visualizing trends and volatility, and performing portfolio analysis. These skills will allow you to analyze and interpret stock market data effectively and make informed investment decisions.

Day 16-20: Mini-Project 2 - Exploratory Data Analysis

In this mini-project, you will choose a dataset of your choice and perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) using Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, and visualizations.

Day 16: Data Understanding and Preparation

Day 17: Data Profiling and Summary Statistics

Day 18: Data Visualization

Day 19: Feature Engineering and Transformation

Day 20: Correlation Analysis and Hypothesis Testing

By the end of Day 20, you will have completed a mini-project on exploratory data analysis using Jupyter Notebook and Pandas. You will have gained experience in understanding and preparing the data, generating summary statistics, creating visualizations, performing feature engineering, and conducting correlation analysis and hypothesis testing. These skills will enable you to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions based on the explored dataset.

Day 21-25: Mini-Project 3 - Natural Language Processing

In this mini-project, you will work with text data, perform natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as sentiment analysis, and create word clouds using Jupyter Notebook.

Day 21: Text Data Preprocessing

Day 22: Exploratory Text Analysis

Day 23: Sentiment Analysis

Day 24: Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Day 25: Text Classification

By the end of Day 25, you will have completed a mini-project on natural language processing (NLP) using Jupyter Notebook. You will have gained experience in text data preprocessing, exploratory text analysis, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition (NER), and text classification. These skills will allow you to work with text data effectively and extract valuable insights from it.

Day 26-29: Mini-Project 4 - Image Processing

In this mini-project, you will explore image processing techniques using Python libraries like OpenCV and PIL (Python Imaging Library) and create visualizations using Jupyter Notebook.

Day 26: Image Loading and Display

Day 27: Image Manipulation and Transformation

Day 28: Feature Extraction and Image Analysis

Day 29: Image Visualization and Enhancement

By the end of Day 29, you will have completed a mini-project on image processing using Jupyter Notebook. You will have gained experience in loading and displaying images, manipulating and transforming images, extracting features, performing image analysis, and enhancing and visualizing images. These skills will enable you to work with images effectively and apply various image processing techniques for analysis or other purposes.

Day 30: Review and Wrap-up

On Day 30, you will dedicate time to review the concepts and techniques learned throughout the 30-day learning path and reflect on the mini-projects you have completed. Additionally, you can use this day to explore advanced topics or dive deeper into specific areas of interest related to Jupyter Notebook and Visual Studio Code.

  1. Review Concepts and Techniques:
    • Take a moment to revisit the key concepts and techniques covered in the previous days.
    • Review your notes, code snippets, and mini-project results to reinforce your understanding.
    • Identify any areas that require further clarification or practice.
  2. Reflect on Mini-Projects:
    • Evaluate the mini-projects you completed during the learning path.
    • Consider the challenges you encountered, the solutions you implemented, and the outcomes achieved.
    • Reflect on what you have learned from each mini-project and how it has contributed to your skills and knowledge.
    • Identify any areas for improvement or additional practice.
  3. Explore Advanced Topics:
    • If you have extra time and feel comfortable with the foundational concepts, consider exploring advanced topics related to Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio Code, or Python.
    • You can delve deeper into specific libraries or functionalities that align with your interests or professional goals.
    • Examples of advanced topics include deep learning with TensorFlow, web application development with Flask or Django, data visualization with Plotly or Bokeh, or data manipulation with advanced Pandas techniques.
  4. Self-Assessment and Next Steps:
    • Assess your progress and achievements throughout the learning path.
    • Take note of the areas where you feel confident and the areas where you may need further practice or study.
    • Consider your next steps, such as applying the knowledge and skills gained to real-world projects, participating in coding competitions, or pursuing advanced courses or certifications in data science or machine learning.

Remember, learning is an ongoing process, and this 30-day learning path is just the beginning. Continuously practice and explore new concepts and techniques to further enhance your skills and become proficient in Jupyter Notebook and Visual Studio Code.