
Active Directory Administration

Course Description

This 10-day beginner-level Active Directory Administration course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in managing and administering Active Directory environments. Whether you are new to Active Directory or looking to enhance your skills, this course will cover essential concepts, best practices, and practical techniques for effective administration. Through a combination of theory and hands-on exercises, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to manage user accounts, groups, permissions, security, and more.

Course Plan

Note: Each day will include a mix of theory, practical examples, and hands-on exercises to reinforce your understanding of Active Directory Administration concepts.

Detailed Plan

Day 1: Introduction to Active Directory

Session 1: The Essence of Active Directory in Network Administration

1.1 Overview of Network Administration:

1.2 The Architecture Unveiled:

Session 2: Installation and Configuration of Active Directory Domain Services

2.1 Setting the Foundation:

2.2 Best Practices and Considerations:

Session 3: Hands-on Lab - Installing and Configuring Active Directory

3.1 Practical Application:

Session 4: Recap and Discussion

4.1 Reflecting on Day 1:

Day 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of Active Directory, laying a solid foundation for participants to grasp its significance and begin their journey into effective network administration.

Day 1: Exploring the Architecture and Components of Active Directory

Session 1: Navigating the Active Directory Landscape

1.1 The Hierarchical Design:

1.2 The Forest as a Global Structure:

Session 2: Components that Power Active Directory

2.1 Domain Controllers:

2.2 Organizational Units (OUs) as Building Blocks:

Session 3: Virtual Exploration - Active Directory in Action

3.1 Virtual Tour of Active Directory:

4.1 Scalability and Beyond:

Session 5: Recap and Interactive Discussion

5.1 Synthesizing Knowledge:

Day 1 concludes with participants equipped with a deep understanding of the hierarchical design, essential components, and dynamic interactions that define the architecture of Active Directory. This foundational knowledge sets the stage for a robust exploration of Active Directory administration in the days to come.

Day 1: Installing and Configuring Active Directory Domain Services

Session 1: Setting the Stage for Active Directory Deployment

1.1 Preparing the Environment:

1.2 Installation Walkthrough:

Session 2: Configuring the Foundations of Active Directory

2.1 Defining the Domain Structure:

2.2 DNS Configuration for Active Directory:

Session 3: Hands-On Lab - Installing and Configuring Active Directory

3.1 Practical Implementation:

Session 4: Optimizing Security and Performance

4.1 Security Configurations:

4.2 Performance Considerations:

Session 5: Recap and Q&A

5.1 Reviewing Key Concepts:

5.2 Open Forum Q&A:

Day 1 concludes with participants not only equipped with the theoretical knowledge but also having hands-on experience in installing and configuring Active Directory Domain Services. This sets the stage for a confident and informed exploration of subsequent Active Directory administration topics.

Day 2: Managing User Accounts and Groups

Session 1: Crafting User Accounts with Precision

1.1 The Essence of User Accounts:

1.2 User Account Creation:

Session 2: Nurturing User Properties and Customization

2.1 Managing User Properties:

2.2 Group Memberships and Role-Based Access:

Session 3: Permissions and Access Control Strategies

3.1 Assigning Permissions:

Session 4: Hands-On Lab - User Account Management

4.1 Practical Application:

Session 5: Best Practices and Future-Ready User Management

5.1 User Lifecycle Management:

Session 6: Recap and Peer Collaboration

6.1 Reflecting on Day 2:

Day 2 concludes with participants equipped with a deep understanding of crafting and customizing user accounts, effectively managing group memberships, and implementing access control strategies. This foundation sets the stage for a seamless journey into more advanced Active Directory administration topics.

Day 2: Creating and Managing Security Groups and Distribution Groups

Session 1: Unveiling the Dynamics of Group Management

1.1 Group Essentials:

1.2 Creating Security Groups:

Session 2: Distribution Groups for Seamless Communication

2.1 Distribution Group Creation:

2.2 Managing Group Memberships:

Session 3: Access Control Strategies with Security Groups

3.1 Permissions and Security Groups:

Session 4: Hands-On Lab - Group Creation and Management

4.1 Practical Application:

Session 5: Best Practices and Group Lifecycle Management

5.1 Best Practices for Group Management:

Session 6: Recap and Collaborative Discussion

6.1 Reflecting on Day 2:

Day 2 concludes with participants equipped with the skills to create and manage security groups and distribution groups effectively. This knowledge forms a crucial building block for robust access control strategies and sets the stage for more advanced Active Directory administration topics in the subsequent days.

Day 2: Assigning Permissions and Managing Access Control

Session 1: Fundamentals of Access Control in Active Directory

1.1 Access Control Basics:

1.2 Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

Session 2: Understanding Delegation of Administrative Tasks

2.1 Delegation Principles:

2.2 Fine-Grained Password Policies:

Session 3: Access Control Strategies and Group Memberships

3.1 Effective Group Management:

Session 4: Hands-On Lab - Permissions and Access Control

4.1 Practical Application:

Session 5: Auditing and Monitoring Access Events

5.1 Configuring Auditing:

Session 6: Best Practices for Access Control

6.1 Best Practices:

Session 7: Recap and Collaborative Discussion

7.1 Reflecting on Day 2:

Day 2 concludes with participants equipped with a comprehensive understanding of access control in Active Directory, from fundamental principles to practical implementation. The hands-on lab and collaborative discussions ensure a practical grasp of the intricacies involved in managing permissions and access control.

Day 3: Group Policy Management - Understanding Group Policy and its Role in Managing System Settings

Session 1: Unraveling the Significance of Group Policy

1.1 The Foundation of Group Policy:

1.2 The Anatomy of a Group Policy Object (GPO):

Session 2: Group Policy Objects (GPOs) in Action

2.1 Creating and Linking GPOs:

2.2 Filtering and Targeting with GPOs:

Session 3: Group Policy Inheritance and Precedence

3.1 Inheritance and Block Inheritance:

Session 4: Hands-On Lab - Creating and Applying Group Policies

4.1 Practical Application:

Session 5: Advanced Group Policy Configurations

5.1 Administrative Templates and Custom Policies:

Session 6: Best Practices in Group Policy Management

6.1 Best Practices for GPO Design:

Session 7: Recap and Interactive Discussion

7.1 Reflecting on Day 3:

Day 3 concludes with participants equipped with a solid understanding of Group Policy and its pivotal role in managing system settings. The hands-on lab and collaborative discussions ensure practical proficiency and prepare participants for the more advanced aspects of Group Policy management in the upcoming sessions.